Aircraft of the Fighting Powers 1946 Volume 6, Owen Thetford
Zum Buch:
- Autor: Owen Thetford
- Titel: Aircraft of the Fighting Powers 1946 Volume 6
- ISBN: 0-85242-647-X
- Erste Auflage: 1945
- Erschienen: Diese Faksimile Edition 1980
- Verlag: Argus Books Limited
- Anzahl Seiten: 232 mit vielen Abbildungen
- Gebundene Ausgabe
- Einband: Leinen
- Sprache: Englisch
- Themen: Flugzeug, Luftfahrt, Luftkrieg, Flugzeugtechnik
Aircraft of the Fighting Powers, published in seven volumes
between 1940 and 1947, marked a unique step in aeronautical
publishing by recording through text, photographs and
constant one-seventy-second scale three-view drawings, a
complete record of all the fighting aircraft which took part in
the Second World War. Long since out of print and much
sought after by collectors, the enterprise of Argus Books has
now answered public demand by making the volumes once
again available to enthusiasts in facsimile form.
The Aeroplane magazine in a review published with the
appearance of the final volume of the series in March 1947
commented. "This volume marks the end of a venture in
aeronautical publishing which, beginning well, fulfilled its
early promise and accomplished all that it set out to do. The
seventh volume of the series is probably more deeply steeped
in an atmosphere of authenticity than any of its predecessors".
Zustand des Buches:
Das Buch ist in einem guten bis sehr guten Zustand, es riecht jedoch leicht nach Keller. /
The book is in good to very good condition, but there is a slight odour of cellar.
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